Saturday 6 June 2020

Hunter x Hunter Nen Explain

 There's no doubt to the fact that the world of Hunter X Hunter is pretty fascinating But what's even more fascinating is... its Power System Now A Power System is no rare trait for a Battle Shounen Anime But thing is.. The Power System that Hunter X Hunter uses is too damn complicated! So, it is possible that you'd have the whole show finished.. but still be confused to completely grasp its power system you might even resort to some online researches and to suppress you from doing that.. We Are Here with this post So lets get started.. to prevent the post from getting witted long i've sliced it up into segments we'll start with the basic stuff Like,

 "How to Learn Nen?" And the complications a person has to go through while learning it And then comes the Four Basic Principals on Nen and once we're done with the basics, we'll quickly jump on to some Advanced stuff which is capable enough to mess with one's mind So pay attention You could say that all the power systems in shonen demograph Are basically the counterparts to each other the one wouldn't be much different from the other we could say that "Ki" and "Chakra" are the same things They're both stated to be Spiritual or Life Energy just the scale and the ways of using one would be different from other and the same energy exists in the world of Hunter X Hunter as well which is called "Aura" Nen is not the Life EnergyThe Life Energy is "Aura" Nen is just the Technique which is used to Manipulate or Reshape a User's Life Energy Do Not get confused, Nen is not actually a thing of its own There are techniques that requires the engagement of one's Life Energy Fore Example, Goku's Kamehameha And Naruto's Rasengan The thing that is common in these two techniques is that they both aren't Physical Attacks And to accomplish that one has to make use of his Life Energy Which is "Ki" and "Chakra" And the same Feat could be done in the world of Hunter X Hunter as well Which would require them to use their Life Energy, Which is called " Aura" But the Difference is.. With the use of Aura, The characters in Hunter X Hunter would be able to do a lot more than just blasting their opponents away There are Multiple uses of Aura And each use has a name different from the other And this entire Set of such techniques is called "Nen" each of these Techniques involves the Engagement of Aura And Engagement of Aura is The manipulation of Aura And The Act of manipulating Aura would be called "Nen" Doesn't matter what Name a Techniques has given But if it includes the use of Aura then it is Nen So in The World of Hunter X Hunter, This Life Energy called "Aura" Exists inside of Everyone Everyone means Everyone! But still not everyone is aware of it there are only a few people who knows about the existence of Aura and the use f it (Nen) And these People are called "Pro Hunters" And now you know it.. To completely master the concept of Nen.

 One has to become a Pro Hunter first But How? Well easy enough, Just give the Hunter Exams.. So, when someone writes the Hunter Exam application form.. at that stage of the exam, he woldn't know anything about Nen But, when he moves to the midst of the exams, he still isn't given any knowledge about Nen But Finally, when someone manages to clear up the exams even then, no one will provide him with the idea of Nen When a person clears up the Ofiicial Hunter Exams, He's alled a"Licensed Hunter" And for a Licensed Hunter to become a Pro Hunter, it is Necessary to get past the Secret Hunter Exams So now Lets tlk about, What on Earth the Secret Hunter Exam is If Someone wants to become a Hunter Then they can go to the Hunter Association and participate into the Examinations And if they manages to make it then they are given a certified Hunter License And after being given the License they are free to go wherever they want And when the Licensedd Hunter is up on his daily life quests the journey of him which seems to be normal he gets to face a secret hunter association instructor. and this is what's known as Secret Hunter Exam and the licensed hunter is educated by Secret Hunter about the knowledge of Aura aur Nen turning him into a certified Pro-Hunter from Licensed Hunter. This exams are very confidential as the official exams are taken inside the Hunter Association. where not everyone is fortunate enough to come out passing the exam. and if they started training them about the use of nen, then it may possible that the failed contests may leak the knowledge of Aura and Nen outside the Association. And Hunter Association can not afford this type of risk As Nen is some really dangerous stuff. And if it fell into the hands of someone with ill intentions the situation can get really worse. So when a Licensed Hunter is trained about Nen it comes with a condition of not revealing this knowledge to any outsider. Okay so lets talk about how do you get trained for the Nen By that i mean what's there in a Secret Hunter Exam. In the world of Hunter X Hunter, there are many Aura Nodes in a Human body. And Aura Nodes are the origin or place from Where Aura is released outside the body. So the first step of mastering Nen obviously is to have total control over these Aura Nodes. Which means being able to open or close manually on your will. And there are two ways to learn this. The first way is really slow and kinda boring procedure. In which you gain control over these Aura Nodes Through Meditation and Training and the second way is a totally the opposite of the first way. Like a Short Cut This is known as INITIATION.
 In which an experienced Nen user uses his or her nen, and tries to apply the force on a body of an individual which opens up the aura nodes on his body But as you guys would have guessed it is as dangerous as it seems easier this way of opening the Aura Nodes forcefully is nothing more than a blind force If the Initians fails, it may be possible that the individual going through the impact can get Permanently Handicapped or can even die. But luckily initian also has two ways of applying First one is the one i just explained you about and the second one is which is known as 'GEHOU'. the procedure of this one is also not quite different than the first one BUT... the impact being applied on body is much more focused which helps opening the Aura Nodes but in gentle way. but as it's still just an impact filled of aura its still dangerous. but compared to regular initiation fairly less. so as the Aura has been activated lets move on to the appearance of it. Appearantly it looks like some white smoke or steam and once the Aura Nodes have been opened, the user also can see his or her Aura because the Aura Nodes present inside their eyes have also been opened.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

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